Ecommerce or Not Ecommerce? That is the Question.

First of all, how are we spelling “ecommerce”? There’s e-commerce, ecommerce, and eCommerce… But which is correct? As of now, there’s no clear consensus across the board. Because it is a relatively new word, though it is in the dictionary, organizations across the world tend to pick their own preferred spelling. So for the restContinue reading “Ecommerce or Not Ecommerce? That is the Question.”

A New Approach to Partnership Programs in the Payments Industry

Learning from traditional partnership programs in the payments industry, Peloton has established its own improved model with an emphasis on positive long-term relationships. VICTORIA, January 19, 2022 – Peloton Technologies Inc. is announcing the launch of its partnership program. This announcement comes after extensive work ensuring the model would help forge strong, mutually beneficial partnerships leveragingContinue reading “A New Approach to Partnership Programs in the Payments Industry”