EDC looks to support Canada’s SaaS exports.

CEO Craig Attiwill joins panel at EDC conference to discuss opportunities to support SaaS-based companies VICTORIA February 21, 2020 – The previous models at Export Development Canada are based on traditional goods import/export and so at this year’s EDC conference in Ottawa, a panel was held to discuss how to support Canada’s software and technologiesContinue reading “EDC looks to support Canada’s SaaS exports.”

CEO Craig Attiwill represents Candian FinTechs payments sector at Singapore FinTech Festival

Toronto Financial International (TFI) hosts its inaugural Canadian delegation to Singapore. VICTORIA November 11, 2019 – Toronto Finance International is hosting its inaugural FinTech mission to Singapore. Canada’s FinTech ecosystem is thriving, and growth in investment is allowing Canadian FinTechs to scale and compete on the global stage. The Singapore FinTech Festival offers the perfectContinue reading “CEO Craig Attiwill represents Candian FinTechs payments sector at Singapore FinTech Festival”