Support Hub

User Roles and Privileges

Adding Users#

To add and manage users in your Peloton Account, select the client menu and go to Users

This screen will list all the users on the account.

From here you can add or edit a user.

Select + Add to create a new user. You'll be required to enter their first and last name, email and provide a temporary password they can use to complete their setup.

We strongly encourage you to add the Additional Information for the new user.

Under Notification Subscriptions you can select which notification emails this user will recieve.

Account Transfer: User is notified when an account transfer is initiated

Bank Transfer: User is notified when a bank transfer is initiated

Payment: User is notified when credit card transaction is processed

In Roles and Privileges, select what each user has access to.

Select here to view a full list of what each role has access to.

Editing Users#

To Edit an existing user select the edit button next to the user email

From here you'll be able to make any changes to their role, notifications, contact details. This is where you'll also set their daily spending limit. (If need over $30,000 please contact support@peloton-technologies-com

It is not possible to edit or update the email in User Details. If this is required, remove the user and add a new one.

For Sports Associations#

If you’re new to an organization and need access to a Peloton account support@peloton-technologies-com.  We will need proof (email authorization from main contact) meeting minutes stating your affiliation.

Not the solution you are looking for?

Please check other articles or open a support ticket.